Coffee banana bread with chocolate
Coffee baking recipes
Coffee banana bread with chocolate
Fan of banana bread and chocolate?
Then don’t wait any longer and try this recipe!
Delicious as a snack or with lunch!
10 people – 25 min preparation / 40 min oven time.

Here’s how to make it
- Set the oven to 175 degrees.
- In the food processor make the bananas (3) into one mixture.
- Next, in another bowl, mix together the eggs and salt. And mix both mixtures together.
- Then add in the coffee, almond flour and oat flour, mix well.
- To the banana bread mixture, add the chocolate chips (2/3) and baking powder. Then pour the mixture into the cake pan. Don’t forget to put in the baking paper first!
- Cut one banana into strips and place on top.
- Bake the bread in the oven for about 40 minutes. Let it cool well and sprinkle the remaining pieces of chocolate over the bread.
- 4 bananas
- 1 cup of espresso
- 100 grams of dark chocolate
- 100 grams of oat flour
- 100 grams of almond flour
- 2 eggs
- 1 tsp baking powder
- Pinch of salt
You will need this
- Cake pan
- Baking paper
- Food processor/mixer